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                Guangdong FengxiCarbon Modern Forestry Development Co., Ltd, established in 2009, registered capital is 20 million yuan . It mainly engaged in comprehensive development and utilization of forest resources. The company has been dedicated to the environment protection since the day of establishment, promoting the improvement in emission reduction.

                The company firstly developed DaPu forest carbon project (the owner) and then a series of carbon projects . Upon to now,it has developed a lot of projects on many fields like hydro, waste heat recovery, MSW. Among them, some projects have been registered at UNFCCC EB successfully. Then ,the company has become a carbon asset development and clean energy services companies, and is innovative enterprises in China's carbon ¡­ [ more ]

                Project identification£ºto identify whether the project is CCER, and to help the owner to develop the project accurately and efficiently

                Project design£ºto develop project design document (PDD) ¡¢ research new methodology and prepare the other documents required in the project process

                Project approval£ºto assist the authorized institution -DOE to approve the project

                Project verification£ºto assist the project to ensure the ultimate realization of emission reduction and emission reduction of the project

                Fengxi has established long-term strategic cooperation partnership with Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, relying on the abundant technological development strength, the company jointly developed vast projects of forest carbon-sink, industrial energy saving ....[ more ]

                BP is the all-around strategic partner of Fengxi, when the carbon asset management team, which located in Singapore headquarter, firstly participated in domestic voluntary emission reduction projects, it chose Fengxi to be its domestic long-term cooperation partner, and had signed a series of agreements ...[ more ]